Page 287 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 287

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
            Manufacturing Services" in CPC 2.1, and the other six types of ICT services have
            no corresponding Product Categories.

            (3)     Free digital services
                The  free  digital  services  in  the  framework  of  China's  digital  economy
            satellite  account  are  mainly  provided  by  “other  digital  enterprises”  in  the
            digital industry, and the basic principles are not repeated here.

            (4)     Non-digital products
                On  the  basis  of  digital  products,  the  China  Digital  Economy  Satellite
            Account can refer to the recommendations of the OECD study to select typical
            digital  products  to  focus  on  their  integration  with  digital  technologies,
            including: accommodation services; food and beverage service activities; land
            transportation services; Travel agencies, travel accommodation services and
            other related activities; advertising and market research services; education
            services;  film  video  and  television  programming  services;  financial  and
            insurance services; gambling and gaming activities; retail trade.

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
            (1) Forming a systematic accounting system for China's digital economy
            satellite accounts
                This paper points out the limitations of China's current digital economy
            accounting  such  as  unclear  concepts,  narrow  calibre  and  lack  of
            comprehensive  systems.  Based  on  this,  it  proposes  the  design  of  China's
            digital  economy  satellite  account  framework,  and  proposes  to  continue  to
            track international systems for accounting in the future. For the framework
            design of satellite accounts, the OECD's proposed digital economy satellite
            account  framework  has  been  widely  recognized  by  the  United  Nations
            National  Accounts  Working  Group  (ISWGNA)  Expert  Advisory  Group  (AEG)
            and is expected to be based on this in the near future. In the OECD countries,
            the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has clearly proposed the ultimate
            goal  of  building  a  digital  economy  satellite  account,  and  has  carried  out
            different stages of empirical measurement and theoretical research. Among
            Asian countries, Malaysia is already constructing a digital economy satellite
                These international frontier researches have not only  laid an  important
            foundation for the further improvement of the national economic accounting
            system, but also provided powerful guidance for the systematic accounting of
            China's  digital  economy  and  provided  effective  assistance  for  the
            development of China's digital economic accounting. In the future research on
            digital economic accounting methods, China should learn from others, broadly
            absorb the experience of digital economic practice in various countries, and
            closely combine the needs of China's economic development, give priority to

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