Page 288 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 288

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
                  the study of  digital industries in strategic emerging industries, and form a
                  systematic portrayal. Data monitoring system for digital economic structure
                  and a more scientific and accurate accounting method system.

                  (2)    Improving methods to obtain high-frequency big data in China's
                  digital economy
                      This paper analyzes the mechanism that the digital economy influences
                  the traditional economy through the digitization of transactions, including the
                  increase  of  transaction  trust  brought  by  digitalization  of  documents,  the
                  reduction  of  transaction  costs  brought  by  the  digitization  of  supply  and
                  demand information, and the non-monetary data transactions brought by the
                  digitization of content information. To comprehensively and accurately count
                  high-frequency transaction data containing such information, it is necessary
                  to research and develop stable, safe, reliable, and high-quality high-frequency
                  data  acquisition  methods.  Among  the  data  sources  of  current  accounting
                  practice,  micro-investigations  have  limitations  such  as  low  timeliness,
                  cumbersome investigation costs, and high investigation costs, and commercial
                  data is often difficult to obtain authority for the protection of trade secrets.
                  Therefore, we can consider building a distributed statistical accounting system
                  with  anonymity  and  tamper-proof  based  on  blockchain  technology,  and
                  statistically record large data transactions through decentralized distributed
                  ledgers,  thus  achieving  high-frequency,  efficient  and  accurate  statistical
                  accounting for the digital economy.

                  (3)    Complementing  China's  digital  economy  industry  product
                      This paper has carried out a more in-depth discussion on the industry and
                  product classification of the digital economy, and combined with the "three
                  new"  statistical  classification  (2018)  and  the  "strategic  emerging  industry
                  classification (2018)" in statistical practice, etc. The advantages and limitations
                  of statistical classification. In the future digital economic accounting work, it is
                  recommended to further improve the statistical classification of China's digital
                  economy satellite accounts under the support and guidance of  the United
                  Nations  Statistical  Commission  (UNSC)  Joint  Accounts  of  the  National
                  Accounts  Working  Group  (ISWGNA)  to  further  increase  the  world.  The
                  international  comparability  of  digital  economic  development  in  various
                  countries, combined with the international initiatives promised by China at the
                  G20 summit, and the inclusive development goals proposed by the G20 Digital
                  Ministerial Conference, more accurately measure the impact of digital growth
                  on individuals and businesses. At the same time, it should be combined with
                  the  storage  and  construction  design  of  non-traditional  big  data  such  as
                  Internet statistics to form a digital economy satellite account with profound

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