Page 104 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 104

CPS1443 Shogo H.N. et al.
                  high-frequency  financial  data  analysis.  Here  we  define  our  observation
                  {  }      for all  = 0, … , ,
                    ℎ  =0,…,

                                               ℎ   =  ℎ   + Λ 2 ℎ 

                  where Λ is a  × -dimensional positive semi-definite matrix and {  }
                                                                                    ℎ  =0,…,
                  is  an  i.i.d.  sequence  of  -valued  random  variables  such  that [ ] =  =
                  [0, … ,0]  and  Var( ) =   where    indicates  the  transpose  and    is  the
                   × -dimensional identity matrix. Hence for all  = 0, … , ,    is defined as
                  the summation of the true value of the latent process at ℎ  and the random
                  noise with mean  and variance Λ. The parametric inference for a diffusion
                  parameter  and/or  a  drift  parameter  based  on  this  noised  observation
                  sequence also has drawn the interest of researchers (e.g., see Favetto, 2014,
                  2016;  Gloter  and  Jacod,  2001a,  2001b;  Jacod  et  al.,  2009;  Ogihara,  2018;
                  Podolskij and Vetter, 2009). In this paper, we focus on the long-term and high-
                  frequency observation scheme such that ℎ → 0 and  : = ℎ → ∞ as  → ∞
                  as same as Favetto (2014, 2016) which enables us to estimate both  and .
                  Favetto (2014) proposes a quasi-likelihood function simultaneously optimised
                  with respect to both  and , and shows consistency of the corresponding
                  maximum-likelihood-type  estimator;  and  Favetto  (2016)  proves  asymptotic
                  normality of the estimator when the variance of the noise term Λ is known.
                  Our contributions upon these researches consist of two parts as follows: (i) our
                  adaptive quasi-likelihood functions and estimators require less computational
                  burden  compared  to  the  simultaneous  ones  because  we  can  optimise  the
                  functions  with  respect  to  and  separately;  (ii)  the  theoretical  results  for
                  convergence such that asymptotic normality holds even if the variance of the
                  noise term Λ is unknown and convergence of moments as  Yoshida  (2011),
                  which are not shown in Favetto (2016).
                      The contents of this paper are as follows: in the Methodology section, we

                  show how to extract the information of the latent process { }   from noisy
                  observation and propose adaptive quasi-likelihood functions based on noisy
                  observation;  in  the  Result  section,  we  show  theoretical  properties  and
                  simulation   of    the   adaptive   maximum-likelihood-type      estimators
                  corresponding to the adaptive quasi-likelihood functions; in the final section,
                  we summarise these discussions of advantages of our proposal in comparison
                  to the existent literatures.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Firstly we discuss the construction of local means which are used as like
                  the  observation  of  the  latent  process { }   in  quasi-likelihood  functions.
                  Taking sample means of noisy  observation is the core idea  to remove the

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