Page 139 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 139

CPS1474 Jing R. et al.
            the  scientific  nature  of  the  collection  method,  computer-aided  telephone
            survey (CATI) is adopted.
                The survey questions about the above six aspects, and asked consumers
            about their current situation and expectations for the next three months for
            each. Our questionnaire is located in the form of a five-level scale, that is, each
            question  has  five  responses:  extremely  positive,  more  positive,  neutral,
            negative, and extremely negative. The actual results of surveys over the years
            show  that  the  reliability  of  each  dimension  in  the  customer’s  confidential
            questionnaire is higher than 0.8, indicating that the questionnaire has a high
            reliability. The absolute estimation error also can be controlled within ±1.3 on
            the condition of 95% confidence level.
                By summarizing the survey data covering six aspects, the total customer’s
            confidence  index  and  each  sub-item  eventually  obtained.  Where,  the  total
            index is the weighted average of satisfied index and expected index:

                        CCI = Satisfied index ×40%+ Expected index×60%

                The weights are also applicable for sub-items of economy, employment,
            price, living, real assets and investment. Total satisfied index is obtained by
            evaluating mean of six sub-satisfied index, the same is true for expected index.
            Each sub-satisfied index is obtained by the follow equation:

              Sub-satisfied (expected) index = 100 + [ (100×extremely positive%) +
             (50×more positive%) – (50×negative%) + (100×extremely negative%)]

                It is thus obvious that, the value of CCCI ranges from 0-200, 0 ≤CCI≤200,
            with 0 being no confidence and 200 being most confident. And CCI = 100 is
            the  demarcation  line  of  customer’s  confidence,  more  than  100  shows
            confidence is positive, otherwise is negative. The larger the value, the stronger
            confidence of consumers, and the weaker the opposite.

            State Space Model
                The existing research analysed the trends of CCCI and its relationships with
            each  sub-item  by  descriptive  statistics  [2,8].  However,  cause  of  repeated
            information between each sub-item, their respective status and roles in the
            CCCI are different [9]. So, this paper inspects relationships between CCCI and
            each sub-item, to demonstrating the evolution of CCCI and its causes in the
            past decade. As time progresses, these relationships are constantly changing,
            it is impossible to simply calculate the "on average" influence of sub-items on
            CCCI.  Therefore,  we  introduce  a  State  Space  Model  (SSM)  with  variable
            parameter to reflect dynamic relationships between them.
                SSM consists of a set of state equations and observation equations. The
            main  advantages  are:  SSM  can  integrate  observable  and  unobservable
            variables in observation equations, and then estimating them together; the

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