Page 28 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 28

CPS1408 Caston S. et al.

                                                    Figure 2

                  4.  Conclusion
                      Four models considered in this study were GAMs and AQR models with
                  and without interactions. The AQR model with pairwise interactions was found
                  to be the best fitting model. The forecasts from the four models were then
                  combined using an algorithm based on the pinball loss (convex combination
                  model) and also using quantile regression averaging (QRA). The AQR model
                  with interactions was then compared with the convex combination and QRA
                  models and the QRA model gave the most accurate forecasts. The QRA model
                  had the smallest prediction interval normalised average width and prediction
                  interval normalised average deviation.

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