Page 68 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 68

CPS1428 Enobong F. U.
                  5.  Abdelkader, Y. H., Al-Ohali, M. (2013) Estimating the Completion Time of
                      Stochastic Activity   Networks with Uniform Distributed Activity Times.
                      Archives Des Sciences, 66, No.4, 115-134.
                  6.  Bendell, A. Solomon, D, and Carter, J. M.(1995). Evaluating Project
                      Completion Times when  Activity times are Erlang Distributed. Journal of
                      operational Research Society. 46, 867-882. Burr, Irving W. (1942).
                      Cummulative Frequency Functions. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 13,
                  7.  Cottrell, P. E. and Wayne, D. (1999). Simplified program Evaluation and
                      Review Technique (PERT).  Journal of Construction Engineering and
                      Management. Vol. 125, No.1. 16-22.
                  8.  Elmaghraby, S. E. (1977). Activity Networks: Project Planning and Control
                      by Networks. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
                  9.  Golenko-Ginzburg, D. (1988). On the Distribution of Activity Times in
                      PERT. J. Opns Res. Soc. , 39, 767-771.
                  10.  Hahn, E. (2008). Mixture of Densities for Project Management Activity
                      Times: A Robust Approach  to PERT. European journal of Operational
                      Res. 18; 450-459.
                  11.  Hahn, E. D., and Martín, M. M. L. (2015). Robust Project Management
                      with the Tilted Beta  Distribution. SORT 39(2); 253-272.
                  12.  Healy, T. H. (1961). Activity Subdivision and PERT Probability Statements.
                      Operations Research. 9; 341-348.
                  13.  Herrerias-Velasco, J. M. ; Herrerias-Pleguezuelo, R. ; and Dorp, J. R. V.
                      (2011). Revisiting the PERT  Mean and Variance. European Journal of
                      Operational Research. 210, 448-451.
                  14.  Johnson, David (1997). The Triangular Distribution as a Proxy for Beta
                      Distribution in Risk Analysis.  The Statistician, 46, No. 3. 387-398.
                  15.  Kwon, H. D. ,Lippman, A. S. , McCCardle, K. F. and Tang, C. S. (2010).
                      Project Management Contracts with delayed Payment. Mamufacturing
                      and Service Operations Research. 12, No. 4.692-707.
                  16.  Lewis, A.W. (1981). The Burr distribution as a general parametric family in
                      survivorship and   reliability theory applications. Ph.D., Thesis.
                      Department of Biostatistics, University of North  Carolina, Chapel Hill.
                  17.  Lootsma, F. A. (1966). Network Planning with Stochastic Activity
                      Durations: An Evaluation of  PERT. Statistica Neerlandica. 20; 43-69.
                  18.  MacCrimmon, K. & Ryavec, C. A. (1964). An Analytical study of the PERT
                      assumptions. Operations         Research 12(1), 16-37.
                  19.  Maggot, J and Skudlarski, K. (1993). Estimating the Mean Completion
                      Time of PERT Network with  Exponentially Distributed Duration of
                      Activities. European J. of Operations Reseacrh, 71, 70-79.

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