Page 425 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 425

CPS2509 D.L Sepato et al.

                The JSE top 40 index also shows a nonlinear upward stochastic trend. Thus,
            the log transformation has produced a stationary process. Although the plot
            depicts a constant mean across sub samples of the data, which is consistent
            with other studies of financial returns, where the mean is often found to be
            stationary, there is suspicion that the series is somehow volatile. This is due to
            abnormalities roughly above and below the mean.

                        Table 1: KPSS test of the JSE top 40 index and returns

                The KPSS test was also used to confirm stationarity for the JSE top 40 index.
            The test statistic is 4.215939 and a corresponding probability value of 0.000 is
            less than the critical values at all levels. Therefore, JSE top 40 index is non-
            stationary. The results of KPSS test show that the returns are stationary since
            LM-stat is greater than 0.10 at all asymptotic critical values. Thus, it can be
            concluded that the time series has no unit root.
                As  a  result,  the  distribution  of  the  series  is  platykurtic  due  to  negative
            excess  kurtosis.  Inferences  concerning  non-normality  is  maintained  by  the
            Jarque-Bera test statistics for the JSE top 40 index and returns which show that
            the  null  hypothesis  is  rejected  at  5%  level  of  significance.  Thus  it  can  be
            concluded that the JSE top 40 index have a non-normal distribution which is
            a common occurrence in stock markets. As suggested by Sigauke et al. (2014),
            lack of non-normality of the distribution is due to volatility clustering.

            The ARMA-GARCH type modelling results - “outlier free”
                This section focused on outlier detection processes to analyse the outlier-
            adjusted returns      and to also examine time-varying volatility. The study
            also investigates the effect of outliers through test statistics, and performance
            of the criteria and outlier detection procedure Stage I: Locate outliers

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