Page 424 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 424

CPS2509 D.L Sepato et al.
                         deviation of the estimate. Under the null hypothesis of no outliers,
                         these statistics are asymptotically distributed as N (0, 1) (Jesús Sánchez
                         & Pena, 2003).
                       4. The  maximum  of  the  absolute  value  of  these  test  statistics,
                         max==1,…,|̂    ()|  is  computed.  If  the  value  of  the  test  statistic
                         exceeds the pre-specified critical value, C (significant) then an outlier is
                         detected. Thus, the point t where  occurs is the point detected as
                         having the outlier.  The procedure is to compute the effect of outliers
                         on residuals following (Tsay, 1988) where the actual parameters  and
                          are known in the modelling procedure estimated by any consistent
                         estimator  by  employing:  AO:    =  {:1≤≤}|,|  ,  IO:  
                         ={:1≤≤}|,|, LS:  = {:1≤≤}|,|,              (4,5,6) where
                         these are used as testing criterions for outlier detection. Comparing
                         the test statistics with critical value C the existence of outliers can be
                         detected, where the time points at which the above maxima occur are
                         timings of the corresponding outliers.
                       5. The final step is to determine whether the observations are outliers and
                         by removing each outlier from the series by deducting the value of the
                         effect of , then apply the GARCH modelling procedure to obtain the
                         most adequate model and use it for forecasting future values of the

                  2.2.  Information  criterion  for  model  selection  between  the  candidate
                      The  model  with  the  highest  subsequent  probability  is  the  one  that
                  minimises BIC, a desirable model is one that minimises the AIC or the BIC
                  (Ngailo, 2011).

                  2.3. Model diagnostics
                      This section discusses the model diagnostic tests for the selected model
                  such as runs test for independence, normality tests, Test for autocorrelations
                  and heteroscedasticity in that respect.

                  2.4. Forecasting performance evaluation
                      This  study  uses  three  evaluation  measures  to  evaluate  the  forecast
                  accuracy of JSE top 40 index for the proposed model ARMA-GARCH model
                  applied, namely the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error
                  (MAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) statistics.

                  3.  Result
                      This section provides and discuss the results that quantify, summarise and
                  check the distributional properties of the financial time series.

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