Page 200 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 200

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.
                   Violence        Your partner*...
                   Psychological   1-  tried to keep you from seeing your friends
                   violence:       2-  tried to restrict contact with your family of birth
                   controlling     3-  insisted on knowing where you are at all times
                   behaviours***   4-  ignored you and treated you indifferently
                                   5-  got angry if you spoke with another man or woman
                                   6-  unjustifiably suspected that you were unfaithful
                                   7-  expected you to ask for permission before going by yourself to some places,
                                      for example a hospital or health center, a cultural or sports center, etc.
                   Psychological   1-  has ever insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself
                   violence:       2-  has ever belittled or humiliated you in front of other people
                   emotional       3-  has ever done things to scare or intimidate you on purpose (e.g. by yelling
                   abuse              and smashing things, looking at you in a certain manner)
                                   4-  has ever verbally threatened to hurt you
                                   5-  has ever verbally threatened to hurt someone you care about
                   Economic        1-  refused to give you enough money for household expenses, even when your
                   violence***        partner had money for other things
                                   2-  prevented  you  from  making  decisions  about  family  finances  and  from
                                      shopping independently
                                   3-  forbid you to go to work or study outside the household
                   Fear            How often have you been or are you afraid of your (current/last/former)
                    * Different questions were done to differentiate current/last/former parents.
                    ** Sexual intercourse is defined as oral sex, forced anal or vaginal penetration.
                    *** For controlling behaviours and economic violence, frequency was not measured. The questions
                    refer to
                    the general behaviour of the respondent’s partner. This is because these behaviours refer to
                    characteristics of
                             Source: Government Delegation for Gender-Based Violence (2015).
                    the relationship and are often an ongoing pattern (course of conduct) rather than specific acts.
                      In the Survey on Violence against Women 2015 information was collected
                  about all partners a woman has had throughout her life while previous surveys
                  only asked about the partners she has had in the last 10 years, thus resulting
                  in a great increase of the percentage of ever partnered women with respect
                  to the previous surveys. Therefore, the prevalence of lifetime intimate partner
                  violence is more precisely measured.

                  4.  Results
                  4.1. The Spanish Population
                     In Spain, there were 46,440,099 inhabitants in 2016. Their distribution,
                  according to gender and age, is shown in Table 2:

                                  Table 2: Population in Spain. 1  of January 2016.
                            Age Group        Males         Females          Total
                           0-13               3,387,554      3,185,739      6,573,293
                           14-15               465,293        438,346        903,639
                           16-64             15,203,861     15,065,141    30,269,001
                           65 and over        3,750,757      4,943,411      8,694,164
                           Total             22,807,464     23,632,635    46,440,099
                                        Source: Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).

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