Page 201 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 201

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.
                49.1%  of  the  population  are  males  and  50.9%  females.  The  Survey  on
            Violence against Women 2015 considers only women aged more than 15, so
            the objective population is 84.7% of Spanish women. Women under 16 have
            been discarded due to legal reasons (parental permission is needed). Thus,
            sampling coverage is 43.1% of the Spanish population.
            4.2. IPV against women
                According  to  the  data  gathered  from  the  Survey  on  Violence  against
            Women 2015, 13.2% of Spanish women aged 16 or more suffered any type of
            IPV during the 12 months prior to the interview (1,339 women out of 10,171
            women in the sample). The most common type of IPV suffered is psychological
            violence,  with  controlling  behaviour  (9.2%),  followed  by  emotional  abuse
            (7.9%) and physical and/or sexual violence (2.7%) (see Table 3):

                             Table 3: IPV suffered in the last 12 months (%).
              Types of Violence                      Women 16 years old or
              Any type of Violence                   more       13.2%
              Physical violence                                  1.8%
              Sexual violence                                    1.4%
              Physical and/or sexual violence                    2.7%
              Psychological violence: controlling                9.2%
              Psychological violence: emotional abuse            7.9%
              Economic violence                                  2.5%
                                   Source: Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).
                Figure 2 shows all possible intersections between the different types of IPV
            that a woman can suffer. We can observe the percentages of Table 2. 0.03%
            of the women have suffered the 5 types of IPV (see the corresponding area in
            Figure 2).
                                    Figure 2: Type of IPV suffered (%).

                            Source: Adapted from Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).

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