Page 203 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 203

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.
            aggressors and general population. Most women work, although in the case of
            women who suffer IPV, the group of unemployed is bigger. In the case of men,
            it can be observed that the situation of unemployment increases the propensity
            to be an aggressor

             Table 6: Economic activity status. Women and men in Spain. Victims and aggressors
                                   12 months prior to the interview.
                                             Women                      Men
                                      No victims    Victims     All men    Aggressors
              Work                       38.6%       39.0%        53.3%        54.6%
              Family business             0.8%        1.4%
              Retiree (previous work)    14.5%        9.3%                     24.1%
              Retiree (no previous        5.4%        2.6%        25.0%         0.1%
              work)                      19.5%       26.5%        11.8%        14.9%
              Student                     6.1%        8.7%         6.7%         5.1%
              Housework                  14.6%       12.0%         0.0%         0.0%
              N.A.                        0.4%        0.4%         3.2%         3.2%
                            Source: Adapted from Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).

                Table 7 shows the self-perceived health as a measure of subjective health
            for women who have suffered from IPV and for those who have not. 58.7% of
            the victims state that their health status is good or very good, 11.1% say that
            it is bad or very bad, and 30.1% say it is fair. On the other hand, women who
            have never suffered IPV state to a greater extent than their health condition is
            good or very good (66.3%) and to a lesser extent bad or very bad (9.0%), or
            fair (24.8%)

              Table 7: Women’s self-perceived health status. 12 months prior to the interview.
                                                   No victims     Victims
                         Very Good                   16.4%        11.9%
                         Good                        49.9%        46.8%
                         Fair                        24.8%        30.1%
                         Bad                          6.5%         7.1%
                         Very Bad                     2.5%         4.0%
                         N.A.                         0.0%          0,1%
                            Source: Adapted from Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).

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